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Playing With / Universally Beloved Leader

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Basic Trope: A ruler is universally adored.

  • Straight: Bob, the ruler of The Good Kingdom of Troperia is loved by virtually all the citizens.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Everyone in the kingdom is romantically in love with Bob.
    • People outside the kingdom love him as well.
    • Even the Troperians' enemies in Wikistan think Bob is an awesome king and a Worthy Opponent.
  • Downplayed: There is a small circle of Bob's opponents and some of his policies aren't too popular with people, but the vast majority of Troperia loves him anyway.
  • Justified:
    • The previous king was a ruthless Evil Overlord who didn't gave a crap about his people, so even if Bob isn't perfect, he comes off as a saint by comparison.
    • Bob saved the kingdom from the aforementioned Evil Overlord, so of course the people are grateful to their new king.
    • King Bob has helped pass all sorts of laws that have greatly benefitted the people of Troperia, bringing about an age of great peace and prosperity.
  • Inverted: 0% Approval Rating
  • Subverted: Troperia is actually People's Republic of Tyranny and Bob only claims to be a Universally Beloved Leader.
  • Double Subverted: But that's just bad propaganda circulated by their enemies.
  • Parodied: Everyone in Troperia spends their time yelling "Bob Forever!" on the top of their lungs, and Bob has become stone deaf.
  • Zig Zagged: A lot of people tend to flip-flop between how they feel about Bob as a leader.
  • Averted: There are some people who like Bob and some who don't.
  • Enforced: "We are about to tell the story about the rightful ruler trying to retain/reclaim his throne. If the majority of people didn't like his rule, we risk him being seen as a villain"
  • Lampshaded: "Of course your people love you, Your Majesty, after everything you've done for them."
  • Invoked: Bob creates a massive propaganda campaign to prop up his image.
  • Exploited:
    • Now that Bob has successfully cultivated the image of The Good King, he can set his evil scheme into motion...
    • Emperor Evulz deceives Bob into endorsing his rule because Bob's trusted nature will distract from his crimes.
  • Defied: Bob makes himself a hated king as part of a Zero-Approval Gambit.
  • Discussed: "King Bob walks in public with no fear of an assassin?" "Of course. Who in Troperia would want to harm him?"
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: A popular national holiday traces back to the late king's birthday, but that factoid may have no bearing whatsoever on its popularity.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob's popularity grants him nearly unlimited power in the kingdom. He gradually becomes Drunk with Power and ends up as an Evil Overlord.
    • It is incredibly exhausting to maintain this popularity. Bob is popular, but he constantly has to walk a tightrope lest he end up doing something that causes his popularity to plummet, making it difficult for him to truly express any controversial beliefs or really show any weakness, lest people lose faith in him.
    • No matter how beloved King Bob is, he can't rule forever, and the high expectations he set for his successor (or worse, successors) cause all kinds of problems once Bob leaves the throne.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Bob has to constantly struggle with the temptation of using his power to some nefarious ends, but despite everything he continues to be a benevolent ruler.
    • Despite facing opposition from people who will always hate him or lose faith in him no matter what he does, he still earns his subjects' respect anyway via his conviction, his resolve, and his willingness to back up his beliefs without compromising his morals.

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