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Playing With / Tastes Like Disdain

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Basic Trope: Someone turns down food due to not liking the person who offered it.

  • Straight: Mary makes Grant some spaghetti. He smashes it on the floor.
  • Exaggerated: Grant goes into Mary's kitchen and throws out every food item he can find.
  • Downplayed: Grant lets the food sit in front of him, but doesn't eat it.
  • Justified: Grant wanted to make it clear to Mary that he is mad at her.
  • Inverted:
    • When Mary is mad, she destroys Grant's food.
    • Grant wants to show that he likes Mary by eating what she offers him.
    • Grant is frustrated, but when he eats the food Mary made him, he feels better.
  • Subverted:
    • Grant only declined the food because it would have triggered his allergies.
    • Grant isn't mad at Mary. It's just that she made spaghetti with meat sauce and he's vegetarian, so he can't eat it anyways.
  • Double Subverted: Grant doesn't actually have allergies; it was just an excuse.
  • Parodied: Mary serves Grant increasingly ridiculous meals that he repeatedly turns down.
  • Zig-Zagged: Grant is served food by Mary and refuses it. But then he changes his mind and has some. But Mary has already taken the food back because it's for herself. But she gives him half of it anyways, but by that point he's annoyed and doesn't want it. When he finally gives in, it turns out he shouldn't have ate it anyways because of his allergies.
  • Averted: Grant eats the food without complaint.
  • Enforced: The scene is being filmed in a sitcom or a movie. Grant can't eat the prop food and nobody wants it to be sitting in the scene for too long, so they have him destroy it.
  • Lampshaded: "So just because you don't like me, you won't eat that dinner I made?"
  • Exploited: Mary is Trapped at the Dinner Table until she eats her peas, which she hates. She asks her Big Brother Bully Grant to eat them. He says no and throws them in the trash. But hey, now Mary doesn't have to eat them anymore.
  • Defied:
    • Even though Grant dislikes Mary, there's no reason to let the food she made go to waste, so he begrudgingly eats it.
    • Mary knows not to serve Grant any food because he'll just turn it down anyways.
    • Spencer pretty much doesn't allow any waste of food. He prevents Grant from ever throwing food away, let alone even smashing it, instead taking the food from Grant just to make sure Mary's feelings aren't hurt.
  • Discussed: "I'm just trying to do something nice for you! The least you can do is eat that spaghetti!"
  • Conversed: "Man, that Ungrateful Bastard Grant is really petty."

I made you some pizza over at Tastes Like Disdain.

...You are gonna eat it, aren't you...?
