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Playing With / Special Effect Branding

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Basic Trope: The same kind of technological special effect has a very different appearance between factions.

  • Straight: The thrusters of different factions' ships look different from each other for unexplored reasons.
  • Exaggerated: The Federation's thrusters have a fiery look while the Rebellion's spew star-shaped Kirby Dots.
  • Downplayed: Both have orange fiery thrusters that are the same size, but the Federations are slightly more towards yellow.
  • Justified:
    • Both sides have developed technology independently and fiercely protect it from being learned from the other side.
    • While the Federation and the Far Council may both use rockets they have massively different standards of habitability. While technically possible for them to use the other chemistry in their preferred homeworlds the logistical changes and locally exotic materials wouldn't be worth the small benefit.
  • Inverted: Both Federation and Rebellion pistols fire identical looking shots despite the fact one is supposed to be magnetic weaponry and the other is supposed to be antigravity based.
  • Subverted: The Federation's thrusters looked different because their ships were flying in Silent Running Mode. Normally, they look the same as the Rebellion's.
  • Double Subverted: The Federation's ships were flying in Silent Running Mode. Normally, they look even more different from the Rebellion's.
  • Parodied: After seizing a Federation ship the blue thrusters change color to a Rebel red without so much as touching a command console. This isn't even just a game mechanic, observers from afar specifically say that the thruster color changed.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Everyone's thrusters look the same.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: A low-ranking member of the Federation asks why the Rebellion feels the need to make their thrusters release stars when that looks so inefficient.
  • Invoked: The Federation adds in blue visible light to their lasers to instantly tell them if they should radio a cease fire order in the face of Friendly Fire or shoot back.
  • Exploited: The Federation makes a device that scans for star-shapes in the area so they know where the Rebellion has been.
  • Defied: Both factions have the same thrusters. A rebellion scientist uncovers the star-shaped particles method, but the leaders reject it for fear of it being exploited.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

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