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Playing With / Self-Duplication

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  • Straight: Molly has the ability to duplicate herself, having her many clones do her bidding.

  • Exaggerated:
    • Molly can duplicate herself as many as she wants, sometimes forming armies of clones of herself to flood the place.
    • Molly's clones can create clones.

  • Downplayed: Molly can duplicate herself, but only one clone at a time.

  • Justified: Molly is a singe-celled organism.

  • Inverted:

  • Subverted: What appeared to be Molly splitting into two was actually a prank played with her identical twin.

  • Double Subverted: That was just an excuse she used to hide her powers.

  • Parodied:
    • Molly can duplicate herself, only for them to be obviously imperfect.
    • Molly, being a single-celled organism, performs mitosis. This is treated as a magnificent superpower.

  • Defied: Molly doesn't like to duplicate herself as it causes identity issues.

  • Discussed:
    • "So Molly, how many yous can you make, and are you a problem solver?"
    • "How do I know which Molly is the real Molly?"

  • Played for Laughs: Molly has problems controlling her self-duplication. Hilarity Ensues.

  • Played for Drama:
    • Every time Molly clones herself, she loses a little bit of her soul.
    • Molly can create copies of herself, but once she does, she can’t make them disappear. Every copy that Molly creates is fully sentient and believes themselves to be the original, and this ends up creating a Cloning Blues situation where they all get an existential crisis due to not being able to tell who’s the original anymore. And that’s not even getting into all the problems and consequences on Molly’s life that comes with having several copies of herself just running around the place, thinking that they’re the real Molly and confusing everyone around them.

  • Played for Horror:

  • Deconstructed: Molly's clones are revealed to have sentience of their own, so she feels guilty for treating them as expendable.
