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Playing With / Romantic Rain

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Basic Trope: Rainy weather intensifies romantic emotions and signifies love and deep affection.

  • Straight:
    • John runs after Mary in the rain to finally tell her that he loves her.
    • John and Mary are a couple and they enjoy strolling outside together when it rains.
    • John and Mary love cuddling under the umbrella when it rains.
  • Exaggerated: John runs through heavy rain to Mary to tell her he loves her. There are hailstones. He doesn't mind. If he gets hurt, it will be a badge of honour.
  • Downplayed: John asks Mary out. It drizzles.
  • Subverted: John runs after Mary in the rain... to tell her that he hates her and that she's completely mistaken if she believes they might ever be a couple.
  • Double Subverted: John wants to go outside with Mary when it rains. Mary says it's cold and prefers to be home. John is too disappointed, so Mary takes an umbrella and they go for a stroll after all.
  • Parodied: Every time it starts drizzling, raining or pouring down, John drags Mary outside to play romantic and confess his love. Once it stops, he starts complaining about wet clothes and being cold and demands that Mary take care of him.
  • Zig Zagged: It is rainy and John wants to go outside with Mary. He wants to finally tell her he loves her. Mary hates rain and wants to be inside. John is too disappointed, so Mary takes her umbrella and says they can get a cup of coffee together. John wants to share the umbrella with her, but Mary refuses and doesn't want to be too close to him. John decides that Mary is too bitchy and suddenly believes that only a fool could consider rain romantic. If anything, rain is annoying and depressing.
  • Averted: It rains. John and Mary are friends who don't appreciate soaked clothes and try to get home as soon as possible.
  • Enforced: "We have to include a sexy rain scene, the actors' chemistry is unconvincing."
  • Lampshaded: "I love you! Go outside, Mary!" — "John, are you crazy? It's raining!" — "I barely noticed. I wanted to tell you how I feel, never mind the weather."
  • Invoked: John wants to propose to Mary in the garden and asks his friend Tom to turn on the sprinkles at the right moment because getting splashed is ever so dreamy.
  • Exploited: John knows that Mary is romantic and that she loves the rain, so he takes her to the beach when it rains and asks her to marry him.
  • Defied: "Shall we go for a stroll in the park? I love when it rains. We can cuddle." — "No, sorry, I'd be too cold."
  • Discussed: "I don't understand why Mary and John love raining so much. Every time it rains, they grab an umbrella and go outside."
  • Conversed: "Aren't you tired of all these movie couples who get together in the rain? It feels like such a cliche at this point." — "Nah, tropes are tools. It can be really sweet, if the director does it right."
  • Implied: It starts raining heavily when an episode ends. In the next episode, Mary and John are officially dating.
  • Deconstructed: John and Mary stroll in the rain and they get soaked to the skin. They are super cold and both get really cranky. John even catches a cold.

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