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Playing With / Rollerblade Good

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Basic Trope: A Fragile Speedster or badass uses rollerblades to move faster.

  • Straight: Alice wears rollerblades that she uses for travel and sometimes even in combat.
  • Exaggerated: Alice, normally a Damsel in Distress, becomes a hardened badass when she dons a pair of rollerblades.
  • Downplayed: If given the chance Alice will wear rollerblades if practical to travel around in them.
  • Justified: Alice works at a roller skating rink, so she's very familiar with rollerblades.
  • Inverted: Alice is the sole wearer of regular shoes in a cast full of rollerbladers.
  • Subverted: Alice appears in rollerblades... and promptly falls flat on her face. Thus, she stops using them.
  • Double Subverted: She eventually learns how to use them, though.
  • Parodied: Alice's rollerblades are armed to the teeth with weapons such as metal spikes and missile launchers.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes Alice wears rollerblades, other times she sets them aside and uses another form of transportation.
  • Averted:
    • Alice prefers a bicycle or a skateboard.
    • Alice is neither quick nor badass when wearing rollerblades.
    • Alice doesn't wear rollerblades.
  • Enforced: Alice's actress was a roller derby champion before getting the role, and she wants to show off.
  • Lampshaded: *sound of rollerblade wheels on asphalt gradually comes in* "You hear that? That's the sound of your ass about to be kicked at the speed of blade." *Alice suddenly jumps off a nearby ramp and lands a flying kick on the bad guy's face*
  • Invoked: Alice acquires a pair of rollerblades in order to become faster or more badass.
  • Exploited: The Combat Pragmatist Big Bad sets up his base of operations in the city mentioned in the Deconstructed entry above.
  • Defied: Alice tosses the rollerblades aside when confronting the Big Bad, showing that shit just got real.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Alice travels to a city where skating in the streets is strictly prohibited. She finds herself powerless in the city, particularly because she's been on her blades for so long she can barely function without them.
  • Reconstructed:
    • This isn't a problem for long, though; Alice's Guile Hero sidekick, Bob, persuades the mayor of said city to make an exception to that ban just for Alice.
    • Alternately, Alice takes the opportunity to fight evil as a rebellious Anti-Hero to get the stuck-up citizens of the city to loosen up.

Skate your way back to Rollerblade Good.
