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Playing With / Paperwork Punishment

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Basic Trope: Someone has to fill out a good deal of paperwork after breaking/bending rules or causing collateral damage in the execution of their duties.

  • Played Straight: Detective Jackson accidentally totaled a car belonging to an innocent civilian while involved in a car chase and now has to fill out not only the arrest report, but also an incident report on the damage to the car, and an insurance form so that the civilian can be compensated for their loss.
  • Exaggerated: The stack of papers given to Detective Jackson for the incident have to be wheeled in on a dolly and are taller than he is.
  • Downplayed: All of the forms are now on a tablet, and all Detective Jackson has to do is copy and paste his signature on each form after reading it to check for errors.
  • Exploited: The Obstructive Bureaucrat demanding the paperwork is actually part of a criminal conspiracy that wants Detective Jackson otherwise occupied for awhile.
  • Justified: "You made the mess, Detective Jackson, so you clean it up!"
  • Invoked: "Da Chief just set a new policy that anyone who causes collateral damage will be responsible for filling out the insurance paperwork."
  • Discussed: "Ah, heck. I'm gonna be filling out forms 'til Doomsday for this one."
  • Played for Laughs: As it turns out, Detective Jackson LOVES doing paperwork!

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