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Playing With / No Pregger Sex

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Basic Trope: Sex during pregnancy is to be avoided.

  • Straight: Alice avoids intercourse with Bob during her pregnancy.
  • Exaggerated: Alice avoids all types of sexual activity, and even avoids so much as thinking about sex during her pregnancy.
  • Downplayed: Alice only avoids sex late in her pregnancy, or has sex less frequently than usual, or gentler sex than usual.
  • Justified:
    • Alice's pregnancy is a high-risk one, and sex could cause problems.
    • Alice is experiencing a lot of physical discomfort throughout her pregnancy, and does not feel up to it.
    • Alice's pregnancy is unexpected and unwanted, so being knocked up kind of sours her attitude towards sex.
    • Bob is put off by the idea of having sex with pregnant women, and refuses Alice's advances.
    • Alice is used to Destructo-Nookie sex with Bob, but doesn't want to hurt the baby.
    • Alice and Bob's religion forbids sex during pregnancy, or it's otherwise a taboo in their native culture.
    • Bob and Alice refuse to have sex during Alice's pregnancy because they don't know if it's normally safe to do so, are unable to obtain reliable information on the subject and feel that it's best to avoid sexual intercourse until after their child is born.
  • Inverted: Alice has lots of sex during her pregnancy. In fact, she has more sex while pregnant than while not pregnant!
  • Subverted: Alice does sexual things with Bob during her pregnancy
  • Double Subverted: But intercourse isn't one of them.
  • Parodied: Just thinking about sex will cause Alice to miscarry.
  • Zig Zagged: Some pregnancies, Alice has no sex, during others, she has lots of sex.
  • Averted:
    • Alice does have sex with Bob during her pregnancy.
    • Alice does not become pregnant.
  • Enforced:
    • The work is supposed to be family-friendly, so sex can't be mentioned.
    • The creators aren't certain whether it is normally safe to have sex while pregnant, so they decide to avoid depicting Bob and Alice in even remotely intimate situations until after their child is born.
  • Lampshaded: "Not tonight, dear. I'm pregnant."
  • Invoked: Alice learns that her pregnancy is high-risk, and resolves to abstain from sex until after the baby is born to protect the child and/or herself.
  • Exploited: When Alice has sex with Bob, she just lies back and thinks of England anyway, so she wants to get pregnant so she can avoid having sex.
  • Defied:
    • Alice actually initiates sex with Bob during her pregnancy...and lots of it!
    • "Oh, come on. You're already pregnant. What do you think's gonna happen?"
  • Discussed: "You want to have sex, Alice? I thought pregnant women didn't normally want sex!"
  • Conversed: "It must be really hard to have to abstain for 9 whole months, plus the recovery time postpartum!" "I know. I could never do that. Especially where I've heard that sex during pregnancy is usually beneficial, and the kid won't know anyway."
  • Deconstructed: The lack of sex could put strain on Alice and Bob's relationship.
  • Reconstructed: Alice and Bob learn that under normal conditions, their having sex will have no adverse affect on the baby, and they take pleasure in one another. The relationship improves.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice tries all kinds of excuses during her pregnancy to avoid sex.
  • Played For Drama: The Unresolved Sexual Tension gets to Bob, and he starts looking elsewhere to fulfill his needs.
  • Plotted A Good Waste:
    • The author believes that sex during pregnancy will hurt the baby and/or the mother, or that the baby will be aware of what their parents are doing.
    • The author believes that sex is only for reproduction, not for pleasure.
  • Implied: Bob is staring at pregnant Alice, then jumps into the shower and turns the water ice cold.

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