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Playing With / Narrating the Obvious

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Basic Trope: Narrating events as they happen.

  • Straight: Hiro in The Adventures of Hiro picks up a sword. The narrator says, "Hiro picked up a sword."
  • Exaggerated: The narrator gives long-winded explanations of every event in the series that occurs, even if it's very clear what's happening.
  • Downplayed: The narrator states that Hiro picked up a sword, but also mentions how he feels about wielding the sword, which isn't immediately obvious.
  • Justified: The narrator is a character in the work or is otherwise an Interactive Narrator — since they tend to be Easily Impressed or otherwise take notice of things that other characters often don't, they often state things that are rather obvious.
  • Inverted: The narrator gets things entirely wrong. Hiro is picking up a sword, but for some reason, the narrator claims he's taking a shower.
  • Subverted: What we thought to be a narrator turns out be someone spying on Hiro for Evulz and reporting to him.
  • Double Subverted: "Again with the obvious stuff. What do I pay you for?"
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: The narration sometimes states the obvious, but sometimes it will say things that aren't immediately apparent.
  • Averted:
    • There's no narration.
    • The narration only states things that aren't immediately clear to the audience.
  • Enforced:
    • The Adventures of Hiro is a show aimed at younger children, and the narrator stating events as they happen is meant to teach the target audience the connection of what's being shown and then what they're told.
    • The narration is meant to be for people who are blind or otherwise visually impaired.
    • The Adventures of Hiro is adapted from a Radio Drama or other medium in which the characters have to describe events to the audience as they happen.
    • It's a side effect of the narrator Reading the Stage Directions Out Loud.
  • Lampshaded: "And Hiro picked up a sword. You can tell that he did so, because you just saw him do it."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "How come this show is telling us that Hiro picked up a sword, when we just saw him do it?"

And then the troper got to the bottom of this Playing With page, and went back to Narrating the Obvious.
