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Playing With / Forgot Flanders Could Do That

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Basic Trope: A flanderized character shows a hint of their old self.

  • Straight: Bib used to be just a TV chef, but he was flanderized into a mega-famous TV celebrity that only cares about money and fame. Later, however, it is shown that he still cares about cooking.
  • Exaggerated: Bib suddenly loses all the traits that he's acquired, and goes exactly back to how we was before, ignoring actual Character Development.
  • Downplayed: After Bib loses numerous cooking competitions, his friends are surprised when he whips them up a mean dish. He is only incompetent at cooking compared to world class chefs.
  • Justified: Despite becoming a celebrity, Bib still cares about cooking.
  • Inverted: Bib shows a hint of how he will be flanderized before the flanderization takes place.
  • Subverted: Bib seems to care about cooking, but actually he was just paid to advertise a cooking product.
  • Double Subverted: But he only took up the offer so he could cook again on TV.
  • Parodied: Bib goes back to cooking, but he can't actually cook like he could before.
  • Zig Zagged: Bib looks like he's going back to cooking, but only because he was paid. But he still likes cooking. But he can't cook. But he was just having a bad day. Which he seemingly does every day. Except one day. Where most of the cooking was done by a production team off-screen. With Bib's help...
  • Averted: Once Bib is flanderized, he stays flanderized.
  • Enforced: 'We need to show the fans that Bib has maintained his old personality.
  • Lampshaded: 'I am a chef, y'know.'
  • Invoked: Bib shows himself cooking to stop complaints from fans.
  • Exploited: Bib uses the fan appreciation to launch a profitable cooking show.
  • Defied: 'That Man Is Dead! I don't cook anymore!'
  • Discussed: 'Other celebrities try to show that they still do what they did, but I just don't.'
  • Conversed: 'Oh, so Bib still cooks! Good.'

Yeah, we still link to main versions. Who thought we didn't?
