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Playing With / Fake Memories

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Basic Trope: A memory from the past that didn't actually happen.

  • Straight: After Emperor Evulz captures Bob, he hooks him to a machine connected to his brain that creates fake memories of him being part of Evulz's army and removes memories of him making friends with Alice, Carol, and Danny to turn him against his friends.
  • Exaggerated: Evulz completely wipes every memory Bob has ever had and replaces it with many fake memories to make him think he was Evulz's son all along.
  • Downplayed: Evulz changes some of Bob's memories with his friends to make them look ruder to Bob, so he can convince Bob to join his army and turn against his so-called friends.
  • Justified: Evulz's Mind Control machine was broken and this was the only choice he had to make Bob do a Faceā€“Heel Turn.
  • Inverted: Bob, whose mind is pumped with fake memories, is given real memories from Alice so he can learn what's it like to be a real man.
  • Subverted: Evulz hooks Bob to a machine that is connected to his brain and pictures of Bob in Evulz's army are shown on the machine... but it turns out the pictures were just edited photos to trick Bob's friends into thinking he is now part of his army and the machine turns out to be sucking his brain out.
  • Double Subverted: But the machine doesn't only suck his brain out. It keeps him alive while another brain is placed into his head so he can have fake memories of being Evulz's son.
  • Parodied: The only memories the machine gives Bob are him pooping on the heads of his friends, forcing Danny to watch The Room (2003), and dancing with Evulz in a field of sunflowers while wearing tutus.
  • Zig-Zagged: The machine gives Bob a mix of real and fake memories.
  • Enforced:
    • There were extra scenes filmed of Bob that the creators wanted to use, but couldn't because of time constraints. They decided to put them as Bob's fake memories instead.
    • The creators think Mind Control machines are too boring and want to use something more unique instead, so they went for the fake memories machine.
  • Lampshaded: "He's getting fake memories pumped into him?! Just as this day couldn't get any worse!"
  • Invoked:
    • Draco suggests Evulz to use the Fake Memory machine on Bob because he always knows it will work and he won't snap out of it.
    • Evulz knows Bob's friends will get into an "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight with him if he uses mind control on him, so he pumps his brain with Fake Memories to stop that.
  • Exploited: Carol, The Smart Girl, manages to knock Bob unconscious and look into his fake memories to deduce the location of the MacGuffin, which Evulz has kept.
  • Defied: Bob's friends discover Evulz's intentions and burst into his hideout to rescue Bob from the machine.
  • Discussed: "We can't let Bob go out alone! Evulz could show up anytime and give him these fake memory thingies to turn him against us! We know what's he planning!"
  • Conversed: "He's giving Bob fake memories? What a generic sci-fi villain."
  • Played for Horror: After Bob finds out that he has fake memories, he starts to question everything. Is his family real? Did he really killed all those people? Who can he trust? Is his entire life just one great lie? This turmoil slowly drives him to insanity.

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