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Playing With / Eyeball-Plucking Birds

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Basic Trope: Birds like eating eyeballs.

  • Played Straight: Corvus the crow likes eating eyes, and won't pass the up chance to snack on them when it presents itself.
  • Exaggerated: Corvus adores eating eyeballs, and everything he eats involves them in some way — eyeball stew, eyeball salad, eyeball fricassee, eyeball stroganoff...
  • Downplayed: Corvus will happily eat all parts of a body, but eyeballs are still his favorite bit.
  • Justified:
    • Corvus often goes for eating eyeballs because they're conveniently bite-sized and easy to remove from the rest of the body.
    • As mentioned on the main page, this is Truth in Television for many scavenging birds that aren't strong enough to tear apart a body on their own, as eyeballs are one of the softest parts of the body.
  • Inverted: Corvus will eat every part of the body except the eyes — he hates the taste, he hates the slimy texture, and he especially hates how they keep looking at him.
  • Subverted: The locals tell horror stories of how the birds of the Raven's Run will swoop down to tear out travelers' eyes, but when she passes through there Alice finds that they're much more interested in her sandwich than anything else.
  • Double Subverted: ... but once the sandwich is gone, the birds start looking hungrily at her face.
  • Parodied: Corvus nearly strangles himself when he tries to eat a glass eye.
  • Lampshaded: "Oh, sure, Corvus acts like such a gourmet, but you show him so much as a peeled grape and he goes nuts."
  • Exploited: Alice needs to distract the ravens sent by the Dark Lord to spy on her, so she cuts out the eyes from some corpses, throws them at the birds, and runs like hell while they're busy fighting over them.
  • Discussed: "Oh, that's lovely, here come the ravens. You just know that they're waiting for us to become too tired and thirst to fight them off when they move in and eat our eyes."
  • Conversed: "The scene where the raven pecks out Alice's eye was something all right. I don't think I'll be able to go birdwatching for a week after this."
