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Playing With / Enchanted Forest

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Basic Trope: A deep, magical forest.

  • Straight: The Grünwald is a vast stretch of primordial forest haunted by spirits and strange beasts.
  • Exaggerated: The Grünwald is a borderline spirit world where distances and time are inconstant and in flux, spirits and gods walk like men, and the forest itself is an aware and living thing.
  • Downplayed: The Grünwald is a primordial woodland untouched by axes or roads and is home to creatures that have become rare or extinct elsewhere, but is not explicitly magical as such.
  • Justified: Mana is produced passively by living creatures; thus, the more organic life you have in one place, the more mana is available. This results in forests, jungles, and wooded swamps being the most magically-active environments overall.
  • Inverted:
    • Greysky City is a steel-and-concrete urban landscape ruled by technology, industry, and science.
    • The Great Waste is a vast rocky desert where no life grows and no magic stirs.
  • Subverted: Rumors abound about the strange, magical, and terrible sights that await travelers in the trackless depths of the Grünwald. When the travelers get there, it turns out that this mostly hearsay and the Grünwald is, in the end, just a regular old-growth forest.
  • Double Subverted: However, as the characters head deeper and deeper among the ancient trees, it becomes evident that there is very much real magic in the Grünwald, but it is normally hidden from prying outsiders' eyes.
  • Averted: There are no primordial forests, magical or otherwise, in the story.
  • Lampshaded: "Of course the forest is enchanted! Have you ever heard of a forest that isn't? You can barely grow an orchard without it becoming magical and pathless."
