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Playing With / Chronic Pet Killer

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Basic Trope: Someone who has had many pets that have died due to things unrelated to natural causes.

  • Straight: Alice has had a dog, cat, parrot, lizard, hamster, fish, horse, and rat at some points in her life, but they all died.
  • Exaggerated: Alice has had over 100 pets that are dead.
  • Downplayed: Alice has had a few hamsters that died too early.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Alice is known for bringing multiple pets back to life.
    • Alice is known for having a lot of pets, and she takes very good care of all of them.
    • A pet has had many owners but they've led to their owners' deaths every time.
  • Subverted: Alice mentions having a lot of deceased pets, but it's revealed that they died of natural causes.
  • Double Subverted:
    • She uses the "Gravity is natural" argument, because she actually pushed them off a building.
    • The "natural causes" were a disease they got from not being cared for properly.
    • She was lying.
    • Alice and the person who performed the revelation are both believers in karma and coincidences being a natural part of the world, and thus that being a Jacques Clouseau-level klutz is somehow part of the cosmic balance. Under that thought, she has as much to blame about her pets dying as a tsunami has of wiping out a coastal village.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice insists that she's very responsible with her pets... but then she accidentally reveals her graveyard full of animal tombstones.
    • Alice realizes she can't take care of pets properly, and ends up getting a stuffed animal instead, which somehow dies as well.
  • Averted: Nobody has a lot of pets that ended up dying.
  • Enforced: Pet care PSA
  • Lampshaded: "Alice's three-month-old cat is dead now. Like all those others before..."
  • Invoked: Alice is raised in a cult and is told that she will have to sacrifice all her pets to the gods after some time...a sacrifice that isn't even part of her religion.
  • Exploited: If a pet isn't wanted around any longer, it is given to Alice.
  • Defied:
    • Alice learns how to properly take care of pets before getting them.
    • Alice's parents put their feet down and forbid her from getting any pets unless she actually learns responsibility.
  • Played for Laughs: Black Comedy Pet Death
  • Played for Drama: Alice feels guilty over all of the animals she accidentally killed.
  • Played for Horror:
    • Alice is revealed to be a Serial Killer for animals.
    • Alice's dead pets reanimate and attempt to kill her to get their revenge.
  • Implied:
    • The animals and owner of the pet shop gets tense and nervous wen Alice walks by.
    • During an argument, Alice's father yells at her about how they're banned from every pet shop in a 30-mile radius.
    • Alice has disparate animal care items (litter box; leash and collar; fish tank; hamster wheel) scattered around her house and they all look minimally used.
    • The first time the audience gets an establishing shot of Alice's house, there is a strange row of lumps on the front yard.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice's chronic pet killing ends up costing the family an enormous amount of money and eventually her family goes into debt.
    • Alice's chronic pet killing is a sign of her irresponsible nature and it eventually manifests in other irresponsible acts like being a spendthrift, experimenting with drugs and similar activities.
    • Alice's chronic pet killing gets her arrested and sent to prison along with a court-ordered lifetime ban on owning any more pets.
    • Alice and her family develop a social stigma as animal abusers even if Alice's chronic pet killing is a series of horrible coincidences and misunderstandings (as the world sees it, killing one pet is a tragic misunderstanding; killing thirty means there has to be something conspiratorial).

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