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Playing With / Charlie Brown from Outta Town

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Basic Trope: A character who is kicked out of a place returns wearing a bad disguise to get back in.

  • Straight: Spencer gets kicked out of Mary's house party for being annoying and eating all the food. He tries to get back in, wearing a top hat and a fake mustache.
  • Exaggerated: After Spencer is kicked out, he simply turns his shirt backwards and then claims to be someone else.
  • Downplayed: Spencer asks if he can get back in, and modifies his voice slightly in hopes that the partygoers won't overhear and recognize him.
  • Justified: Spencer believes he's a master of disguise.
  • Inverted:
    • Spencer thinks Mary's party is boring, but doesn't want to say it to her face. He pretends to be a rude, inconsiderate party guest to get kicked out.
    • It's a costume party, where Spencer tries removing his disguise to get back in.
  • Subverted: Spencer declares his plans to get back into the party. We see a montage of him crafting a very complicated costume, which makes him look like a different person.
  • Double Subverted: He leaves the costume at home and simply wears a pair of fake glasses when he's approaching Mary's house.
  • Parodied:
    • The partygoers consist of people who have been kicked out of Mary's previous parties; they just slightly disguised themselves to get back in.
    • It turns out that what looks like Spencer in a bad disguise is actually a completely separate person.
    • Undisguised, Spencer claims that he's just Spencer's friend, "Recneps". Mary lets him in.
  • Zig-Zagged: Spencer is kicked out of various parties. Sometimes he gets back in without a disguise, sometimes he needs one, and other times he isn't let back in.
  • Averted: After Spencer is kicked out, he gives up on trying to get back in.
  • Enforced: The show's budget is running low, so they don't have the money to give Spencer a convincing disguise to get back in.
  • Lampshaded: Mary says, "I can still tell it's you, Spencer. That's a really obvious disguise."
  • Invoked: One of Spencer's friends advises him to try putting on a disguise to get back in.
  • Exploited: Spencer's friends know that he will come back with a disguise, so they put a sign that disallows disguises.
  • Defied: As Spencer leaves, Mary says, "And don't try that cheap disguise trick on me!"
  • Discussed: Spencer: "I bet I can put on an easy disguise to get back in!"
  • Conversed: "Cartoon characters always seem to fall for the Paper-Thin Disguise trick. I'm surprised this one didn't."

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