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Playing With / America Won World War II

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Basic Trope: America is portrayed as the primary country in the Allied Powers of WWII while others are minimized or completely omitted.

  • Straight: America is outright said or shown to be the biggest force in the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
  • Exaggerated: America basically is shown not only as the main Allied Power, but the only one, with their soldiers winning battles they never even took part in.
  • Downplayed: It is mentioned or shown that America or Americans clearly play a very important role in the outcome of WWII and it is made clear that the Allies would have likely lost or at the very least taken much longer to win, but it's also made clear that other countries made significant sacrifices and contributions that were equal or in some ways even greater in the victory.
  • Justified:
    • America really did play an essential role for the Allies, providing much-needed men, equipment, and money to the fight and providing the overall leadership in many campaigns, such as Eisenhower's command in Western Europe and MacArthur's and Nimitz's separate command in the Pacific. Even the Eastern Front saw widespread use of American equipment thanks to lend-lease.
    • The work is very specifically about a certain action or battle where historically America DID do all or at least the very large majority of fighting on the Allied Side.
    • The work is specifically focused on a single unit or person. While other countries may play a role, by necessity it focuses just on the protagonist(s).
  • Inverted:
    • The American squad is the one that needs to be rescued in the story, and it's British, Canadian, or Soviet soldiers that save them.
    • The Sovietsnote  or British are depicted as having been the most major member of the Allies.
    • Alternatively, the Germans are depicted as the only Axis power fighting in Barbarossa or North Africa, completely ignoring Romania, Hungary, Italy, and the others.
    • America ultimately caused the Allies' final defeat, intentionally or not.
  • Subverted: America is not mentioned, has its role diminished, or is accused of not doing enough.
  • Double Subverted: ...and then the Americans show up and save the day.
  • Parodied: America caused World War II, prompting every other country to unite against it.
  • Exploited: America consistently being presented as having won World War II is the first hint to how much history has been falsified in-universe.
