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Playing With / Accidental Theft

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Basic Trope: A character accidentally steals something.

  • Straight: Bob leaves a store without realizing he forgot to pay for the pack of gum he picked up.
  • Exaggerated: All theft is accidental, even forgetting to return a pen one uses while filling out a form, and everyone who does so views it as a serious crime.
  • Downplayed: Bob accidentally steals one item in the process of intentionally stealing others.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Bob accidentally returns an item he stole.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob is later revealed to have intentionally stolen the item.
    • The accidentally stolen item is then revealed to have been free all along, so it wasn’t technically theft in the first place.
    • Bob, being a very honest man, goes back to the cashier.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But then it turns out that he’d accidentally stolen the wrong thing.
    • Bob still feels guilty about having "stolen" the item.
    • He forgets another item and ends up "stealing" that.
  • Parodied: Bob rents a game from Blockbuster and forgets to return it.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some of what Bob steals is intentional, some of it not.
  • Averted:
    • Bob does not steal anything, or if he does, he does it with intent.
    • Bob does not go shopping in person during the work.
  • Enforced: To show that Bob is clumsy and forgetful, or is a Butt-Monkey who constantly gets into situations that are Not What It Looks Like.
  • Lampshaded: “C’mon, you don’t think I stole that on purpose, do you?”
    • "Oh no, not again! I seem to have a talent for unintentional shoplifting."
  • Invoked: Alice sneaks another item into Bob's cart after he pays for his items.
  • Exploited: ...To get him arrested for theft.
  • Defied: Bob makes absolutely sure that he has paid for everything to avoid "stealing" something.
  • Discussed: Characters discuss the implications of accidental theft and the moral responsibility of the person who unknowingly takes something without paying for it.
  • Conversed: Characters talk about accidental theft in a conversation unrelated to the current situation, sharing anecdotes or opinions about the topic.
  • Deconstructed: Bob is arrested for theft, and is unable to convince the police that he did it by accident, because "stealing something by accident" sounds extremely stupid.
  • Reconstructed: The consequences of Bob's accidental theft are explored and ultimately lead to personal growth or positive outcomes, showing that mistakes can be rectified and lessons can be learned.
  • Logical Extreme: Accidental theft becomes a common occurrence in the world, leading to a society that has complex systems in place to address these accidental thefts, such as specialized accidental theft recovery teams.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob's accidental thefts consistently result in humorous situations and comedic misunderstandings.
  • Played for Drama: Bob's accidental theft has serious consequences, leading to misunderstandings, conflicts, or legal troubles that add tension and drama to the story.
  • Played for Horror: The accidental theft takes on a darker tone, with eerie or sinister implications, evoking fear or discomfort in the audience.
  • Implied: The audience sees Bob leaving a store with an item, and later it is subtly implied that he accidentally stole it.
  • Unparodied: The accidental theft is treated seriously, without any comedic or mocking elements present.
  • Untwisted: It is initially hinted that Bob accidentally stole something, but it is later revealed that he did so intentionally, surprising the audience.

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