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Nightmarefuel / Resan Till Melonia

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  • Ferdinand's nightmare has induced actual nightmares in generations of children who ever got the chance to watch it.
    Is there some rats in the cargo? A Stowaway?
  • The face of Caliban, no matter how nice he actually is, is scary as heck.
  • The grey goo that is fed to the enslaved children. Whatever it is, it looks horrible, and probably tastes as bad.
    • Their overall conditions aren't much better. We see clearly downtrodden children labor in producing weapons and ordnance in clearly unsafe working conditions (gigantic exposed saw blades, working with molten metal without safeguards, etc.) under a madman with a whip. They are forced to address their enslavers as "Your Highness". Background ambience during their, er... food?... break lets us know at least one child is sick by their coughing. Any bets that the kids don't get sick days?
