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Nightmare Fuel / Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna ~ The Golden Country

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This is what happens if you fuse a Blade with a human, kids.

  • Mythra in her Unstoppable Rage is absolutely terrifying, not only can Addam not control her because of their less-than-ideal bond, but Addam is still getting electrocuted after touching the third sword even when it's no longer in his hand. It's very similar to Dunban's pain of not being able to use the Monado. Then there's Mythra's screams, which shows she is in absolute agony. The only thing she wants until she snaps out of her Roaring Rampage of Revenge is to make Malos suffer.
    • As if beating Malos wasn't enough dread for players who already know what's going to happen, one notable detail is that after Mythra enters said rage and awakens the third sword, her eyes lose their glint, and she also has a dead-looking expression, making Mythra appear almost soulless. This is the same facial expression she had in the brief flashback at the start of Chapter 4 in the main game. This is also the first detail that shows something has snapped inside her, and the only time it changes before the end of the fight is when she completely loses it inside her Siren to fire at a downed Malos.
  • Torna: The Golden Country ends with a fight against Gort, who has been turned into one of the first Blade Eaters, a titan-like abomination that's a more deliberate but intelligent version of a Guldo, courtesy of Indol. His human face embedded in the beast's mouth sports a horrifying Slasher Smile, and he also speaks with a Voice of the Legion that sounds more monstrous than Amalthus' voluntary transformation in chapter 9 of the base game. It gets worse when it's shown Indol made several of them to attack the remnants of Torna.
    Gort: I'll use your blood as a balm for my wounds. How about it? Sound fair? Yeah?! [Pops a Wolverine Claw out of his prosthetic arm] I'll start with you, you Tornan Blade! I'm paying you back for cutting my arms off, you dog! I'll have me arms back... And I think I deserve... some interest, too... I'll take your ears and nose as well!
    • Even his last words are creepy, as he says the following as he weakly tries to slash Team Lora one last time. In one sentence, what starts off as a petty Defiant to the End moment quickly sounds way less like himself and more like the sadistic and creepy monster he was turned into at the last second.
      Gort: But I...! I still wanted...I still wanted to play...!
      Lora: Shameless, till the very end...
