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Nightmare Fuel / Unico in the Island of Magic

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Who said puppets aren't scary?

  • Kuruku's voice. It starts out half-creepy, half-silly because of how childish it sounds... then he gets serious, and he's not silly anymore...
  • No Question: Unico Is The Most Horrifying Children's Movie Ever Made, underscoring Kuruku's Establishing Character Moment as the most terrifying moment in any children's film.
    Kids aren't going to love hating Lord Kuruku. Kids are going to see Lord Kuruku, piss on the carpet, and cover it up with an oddly placed playhouse.
  • And it was released just five days before the same animation studio's Barefoot Gen, which used many of the same staff but is Nightmare Fuel of a very different kind.
  • Kuruku goes around turning people into "Living puppets". Are they aware of what's happening?
  • Kuruku was powered by The Power of Hate - it was literally the only thing that was keeping him alive. Once Unico healed him of his hate? He died. Because that was all that powered him.
  • The idea that just about any toy could become Kuruku.
  • By the end of the movie literally everyone is a puppet except Unico, including Toby, Cheri, and the comic relief characters.
