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Nightmare Fuel / The Crawlspace

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  • The fact that although the door was unlocked for several days, the creature didn't immediately go after the girls. It just seemed to be watching them and messing with them.
  • The creature seems to intentionally target the narrator - possibly because she’s the only one who senses its presence and is the most afraid of it.
  • The creature climbs onto the narrator's bed, reaches out a gnarled hand and very nearly touches the narrator before she starts screaming and it runs out. God only knows what it planned to do to her.
  • The description of the creature is fairly nightmare-inducing, especially when it is said to run out of the room like a spider, despite being humanoid in shape.
  • We never do find out just what happened to Alisha, Lindsay and Stephanie, though it probably wasn't pretty. Nor do we find out what happened to their bodies, if they were indeed killed. When the apartment is investigated, it's found to have been empty for about two weeks, the door was locked, no valuables are missing and there are no signs of a struggle. The girls simply vanished. Besides the expired food, the only other thing out of place is the crawlspace door, hanging slightly open and with a strong odour coming from it.
  • It's heavily implied there have been similar instances in the past at the apartment, given how cheap it is and the fact the door was initially locked and painted over. Just what happened in the apartment before the girls moved in is a mystery, but it seems that the landlord was willing to put people in danger rather than close off the space altogether. And it's possible that the incredibly cheap rent and luxury items like the washer/dryer are included not just to attract tenants so that the landlord can still make some money, but also as a means to keep them in the apartment even should they start to feel uneasy and as if they're being watched...
  • The photographs included at the end of the story add an extra layer of creepiness and realism to the creepypasta. The first photo just seems to be a shot of an ordinary crawlspace, though if you look at the top-right corner...The second photo is a close up of the thing in the crawlspace, though it's so dark and blurry you can't make out much about what it is exactly.
  • The fact that the creature is still in the apartment, waiting for its next victim. Unless, of course, it decided to move on to another house, seeing as it apparently now has the freedom to come and go as it pleases.
