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Nightmare Fuel / Poltergeist III

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Say what you will about the overall quality of the film, but the famous Poltergeist eeriness arguably still haunts the film.
  • Even before the film begins, you hear ominous, dissonant piano music playing over the simple title sequence as though things are about to become worse, and indeed they do.
  • The fact that Kane is kept away from Carol Anne only by her not having conscious thoughts and memories of him can be an eerie prospect. Dr. Seaton's hypnosis sessions prove to be just the beacon Kane needs to pinpoint Carol Anne, undoing the amnesia that was protecting her. Seaton's earlier tinkering is foreshadowed by Kane's creepy appearances in mirror reflections and even overlaid onto one of her home-building's window washers. Kane is as creepy as ever as the decrepit Sinister Minister dressed in his formal black suit.
  • The visual effects from using mirrors are one of the highlights of the film, creating as a sense that Kane and his followers are constantly watching from the other side. Indeed, the skyscraper that the film is set in seems to have mirrors everywhere, providing plenty of ways for Kane to attack.
  • Tangina's death. The death itself wasn't so scary, but having Donna crawl out of her corpse was very unsettling.
  • Scott was never shown being freed from the Other Side along with the others. Severe Fridge Horror.
