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Nightmare Fuel / Danganronpa: Mall of Despairica

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The following will contain unmarked spoilers for Mall of Despairica.

  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Kuni, in her execution, is forced to work until she gets too hot, and is compressed into a tiny little beetle.
    • Not a murderer, but Ryuketsu's death must've been incredibly painful.
    "Ryu is found in front of the Pharmacy with his ribs crushed in. Though he didn't die instantly, it was quite close as his lungs had been torn open from the inside and caused Ryu to be unable to breathe."
    • Kai is surrounded by people that he cares about, but they won't look at him or give him the time of day. When the one closest to him finally moves, she bumps him and pushes him into the water, causing him to drown.
