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Music / Sid Maudlin

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Sid Maudlin was a musician in the mid-2000s.


  • Sid Maudlin (2005)

Tropes that describe Sid Maudlin and her music:

  • Back from the Dead: After being shot, the Prom Queen in Prom Queen Resurrection gets, well, resurrected note .
  • Bilingual Bonus: The title of the titular film in El Mismo just sounds like garden-variety Gratuitous Spanish in a movie title, but "el mismo" means "the same"—and the song is about unoriginal movies.
  • Déjà Vu: The singer in El Mismo suggests that they are experiencing déjà vu as they watch their partner’s film, but they really just find the film unoriginal and boring.
  • Fade to Black:
    • Many of Sid Maudlin’s song fade to silence on the final chorus.
    • The film version of this trope is referenced in Prom Queen Resurrection: at the end of the movie that the song describes, the Prom Queen is shot, and the scene fades to black.

  • The Prom Plot: In Prom Queen Resurrection, the film’s finale is the Prom, during which the Prom Queen, who had been led to believe that she was Loved by All, gets shot. The murderers only kinda try to make up an alibi.
  • Prom Wrecker: During the prom in Prom Queen Resurrection, someone shoots and apparently kills the titular Prom Queen, although it doesn’t seem like anyone feels too bad about it.
