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Music / Ogum, Xangô

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Omolu, Ogum, Oxum, Oxumaré / Todo o pessoal / Manda descer pra ver / Filhos de Gandhinote
Foi a mais linda história de amor / Que até hoje eu já ouvi contarnote 

Ogum, Xangô is a collaborative studio album by Gil e Jorge, a duo comprised of Brazilian musicians Gilberto Gil and Jorge Ben Jor (then going by his previous artistic name, Jorge Ben), released in 1975.

Recorded with minimal rehearsal, a percussionist and occasional bass, the record would be released as a double LP, showcasing the more experimental and psychedelic side of Brazilian popular music of the time with its rhythmic guitar lines, looping hypnotic grooves and spirited dual vocals.

It would be considered by Rolling Stone Brasil as one of the 100 Greatest Brazilian Albums of All Time, listing it at number 60.


Side A
  1. "Meu Glorioso São Cristovão" (8:13)
  2. "Nêga" (10:37)

Side B

  1. "Jurubeba" (11:40)
  2. "Quem Mandou (Pé na Estrada)" (6:52)

Side C

  1. "Taj Mahal" (14:46)
  2. "Morre o Burro, Fica o Homem" (6:10)

Side D

  1. "Essa é pra Tocar no Rádio" (6:14)
  2. "Filhos de Gandhi" (13:11)
  3. "Sarro" (1:09)

Morre o burro, fica o Tropes

  • African Mythology: The album is named for two African deities present in Afro-Brazilian religions:
    • Ogum, a male orixá (spirit) of Yoruba origin present in Candomblé, Umbanda and Quimbanda, which presides over metal workers and craftsmen.
    • Xangô, another male orixá of Yoruba origin, who presides over virility, justice and lightning.
  • Album Title Drop: Not an exact title drop, however, "Filhos de Gandhi" does name drop the two deities the album is named after in its lyrics:
    Omolu, Ogum, Oxum, Oxumaré
    Todo o pessoal
    Manda descer pra ver
    Filhos de Gandhi

    Iansã, Iemanjá, chama Xangô
    Oxossi também
    Manda descer pra ver
    Filhos de Gandhi
  • Epic Rocking: Every track but "Sarro" breaks the five minute mark, with the longest track ("Taj Mahal") being 14 minutes.
  • Gratuitous Panning: Gil's vocals and guitar are panned to the left channel, whereas though Jorge's vocals and guitar are panned to the right.
  • Instrumentals: "Sarro", which is comprised of vocal improvisations by Gil with some back guitar from Jorge.
  • Location Song: "Meu Glorioso São Cristovão" is this for São Cristóvão.
  • Miniscule Rocking: "Sarro", which only lasts a minute.
  • Rearrange the Song: "Taj Mahal", which previously appeared on Ben's previous 1972 self-titled record, is remade from its Arabesque sounding original into an extended psychedelic jam piece.
    • Additionally, "Morre o Burro Fica o Homem" would be flipped from its laid-back, groove-oriented form on that same record to a more rhythmic and much faster version on Ogum, Xangô.
  • Vocal Tag Team: Gil and Jorge do this throughout the album.
