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Literature / The Great Northern Conspiracy

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The Great Northern Conspiracy is an upcoming alternate-history TTRPG campaign, set in 1964 Quebec.

In September 1939, Adolf Hitler invades Poland after its refusal to cede the Danzig corridor to Germany, and Europe's worst nightmare becomes a reality. The Ten Months' War with the total and humiliating capitulation of the Western Allies, and the Greater German Reich becomes the overlord of Western and Central Europe. A chaotic world ensues, but not quite in a way anyone-neither victim, conqueror, or bystander-could have ever imagined.

By 1962, millions have died in two decades of stop-start fighting. There is no successor international order to the League of Nations, and a five year conflict between the Greater German Reich and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ended with a blood-splattered white peace that politically and economically ruined both countries. The United States has unintentionally become the bumbling military custodian of much of Western Hemisphere, and the effort is bleeding it dry.

And that effort is one of the primary reasons behind its patience for a new northern contestant for cultural and economic prominence: the fledgling nation of the Federal Republic of Canada. Having fought hard to break up the Commonwealth of the quisling British, and yet not quite willing to throw in its lot with the imperialist Americans, Canada's approach to adapting to the extended global crisis has been...idiosyncratic, to say the last.

No one is sure when or how World War II will finally end-is there even a war? Is this just what normal is now?

It is August 2nd, 1962, and a beleaguered history teacher-one Miss Tosia Altman-finds herself struggling to explain to her remedial history class the meaning and significance of the single most terrifying second in Canadian televised history: the live broadcast of its first public nuclear detonation.
