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Literature / People Are Strange

Go To is an ongoing Fantasy . It follows a young(?) boy named Ether(?) as things start to go south after he wakes up in a ruin in the middle of a forest.

Currently still in it's first chapter, it is set to update weekly on it's website. Despite some schedule delays.

This show provides examples of:

  • Name of Cain: Name of a character yet to be introduced. The author has stated that this name was completely unintended, and was made up on the spot for a character.
  • Troper Works: This summary is written by the same troper who is writing the story.
  • Amnesiac Hero: The main character, Ether.
  • Literary Allusion Title: The story's title.
  • Schedule Slip: The loss of a certain computer caused the second chapter to be delayed by two weeks.
  • Waxing Lyrical: Many song titles or lyrics used in description or dialogue.

Episodes of this series provide examples of:
