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About what is this? A catalog of the tricks of the trade for writing fiction, this wiki is.

Devices and conventions, tropes are. Them being present in the audience members' minds and expectations, a writer can reasonably rely on. On the whole, clichés, tropes are not. "Stereotyped and trite," the word clichéd means. Dull and uninteresting, in other words. Looking for dull and uninteresting entries, we are not. Here to recognize tropes and play with them, we are, not to make fun of them.

Called "TV Tropes", the wiki is, because where we started, TV is. For eight hundred years has our scope crept out to include other media. Television, tropes transcend. Life, they reflect. Tropes surround us, penetrate us, and bind the galaxy together. Likely to show up everywhere, tropes are.

A stuffy encyclopedic wiki, we are not. A buttload more informal, we are. Breezy language and original thought, we encourage. Such Thing As Notability, There Is Not, and unneeded, citations are; a troper craves not these things. If gather evidence by Wiki Magic your entry cannot, then wither and die it will. Until then, available through the Main Tropes Index, it will be.

To find places where the troper community gather to talk about things, on "Troperville" you may click, in the menu on the upper-left of any page.

Go, and may the force be with you.
