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Heartwarming / That '90s Show

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  • The return of the old cast from the original series. note  The audience absolutely went insane the second any of the OG cast appears, even a recurring guest like Jim Rash. Good to see you back, guys!
  • Michael Kelso's first appearance on the show is singing his son's praises about how smart he is. "Straight A's last year!" He is clearly so proud. And he does this before he shares the extremely important news that he's getting re-married again.
  • The ending of the pilot, after her pushing her daughter-in-law the entire episode, Donna finally referring to Kitty as "Mom".
  • Red in general having to be proven to mellowed out in his later years as a much more doting Grandfather to Leia, while also being less harsh on Eric, despite even still voicing his disappointment in his son's ways, but not who he has become as a man, husband and father.
  • Kitty's reaction when Ozzie comes out to her. "Oh sweet boy, get in here...!" And she says how honored and special she feels that he trusted her enough to come out to her.
  • Despite the original group of friends having drifted apart since the 1970s, Fez is the only one of the bunch to remain close with the Formans - not counting Donna, who has married into the family. Kitty is a regular client at Fez’s salon, and they still have a great relationship. Red is far less irritated by Fez now, and he’s still on friendly terms with Eric and Donna, openly stating “Eric is my best friend”.
  • Red not only keeping and maintaining the Vista Cruiser for the past 15 years, but giving it to Leia as a birthday present.
  • Bob admitting that he’s jealous that Red and Kitty get to spend the summer with Leia. Red responds by reassuring Bob that, even if Red thinks he’s a pain in the ass, he’s a good man.
  • Despite Red's initial disagreement with Kitty wanting to get back to work as a nurse, he ended up making his way to the school, bringing Kitty's resume and wallet that she forgot due to nerves, along with him giving his wife an encouraging speech to not give up.
    Red: "Look. Anytime that you have set your mind to something, you have done it. I mean, I only wanted one kid, and you talked me into Eric. And that turned out ... (Beat) So don't give up. You're a damn good nurse. Go on in there and get this job."
    Kitty: "Thank you. They are not gonna know what hit them."
    • Ultimately, after hearing that Kitty got the job, Red has two responses: "Attagirl! I knew you would", and "Well, as long as you're happy, I am happy for you."
  • In Episode 10, following a flashback with his old friends in the circle, Fez realises to let go of his long rivalry with Fenton, and he starts by giving the landlord a makeover including a long wig, proving to be enough for Fenton to clear the tree and intend to re-carpet the bathroom in Sherri’s house. Notably in the last scene Fez and Fenton are together, they end up being playful with each other.
