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Heartwarming / Parade's End

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  • The end of the final episode, full-stop. Yes, Sylvia has the Groby tree cut down, but it allows for Christopher to finally cut ties with his old, unhappy life and start anew with Valentine. Christopher finally realizes he cannot be with Sylvia anymore and decides to leave her; interestingly Sylvia simply accepts this and gives him her blessings. The end of the war marks the end of an era and for Christopher, freedom at last; he celebrates the war's end with his old army comrades and Valentine at his side. All to the gorgeous musical score. "There will be no more parades!" I'm sorry, I've got something in my eye...
    • Christopher's smile when he's dancing with Valentine. Just... his smile. This man takes When He Smiles to an entirely new stratosphere. His face lights up like a supernova and it's the most stunningly beautiful thing in the entire universe.
