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Heartwarming / Soaring Sky! PreCure
aka: Hirogaru Sky Pretty Cure

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Episode 1
  • Sora's first reaction to seeing Ellee being kidnapped is to run in and try to save her, despite being alone and having no idea what her opponent is capable of.
    • Furthermore, episode 2 revealed she had no idea that Ellee was the princess. She ran in anyways, just because "a hero never abandons a crying child".
  • Sora is beaten down by the Ranborg, is on her last legs, and has just had to watch while Kabaton destroys her most prized possession. Her first priority is to reassure Ellee that she'll get her home.

Episode 2

  • Yoyo's response to seeing two complete strangers that her granddaughter brought home, saying that she literally saw them fall out of the sky? Invite the two to stay with them, no questions asked.
  • After the battle with the Ranborg, Mashiro stops by Pretty Holic to buy a notebook that she'd been saving up for. She then gives it to Sora, to replace the one Kabaton destroyed. When Sora asks why, Mashiro's answer is simply:
    Mashiro: Because... I saw a true hero, I guess.

Episode 3

  • Mashiro's parents, despite being away on business, make sure to call their daughter to remind her that they love her. Plus, looking at the background of their video call, you can see that it's night wherever they are, while it's morning in Japan. Not even being on the other side of the planet is enough to stop them from doting on their daughter.
  • Yoyo is a scholar from Skyland, and has stayed down on Earth long enough to have raised a child despite being perfectly capable of going back. Meaning she found someone important enough to her to stay down on Earth and raise a family with them.
  • When Ellee starts crying, Mashiro calms her down by showing her a dandelion. Ellee's smile while watching the seeds blow away is adorable.
  • Mashiro baked cloud-shaped bread inspired by Skyland. She knows Sora misses her home, and is doing her best to make her feel welcome.
  • Ellee and her parents are able to see each other again after being separated for at least two days. The three of them are moved to tears, and Yoyo makes sure to assure them that Ellee is in good hands.
  • Sora has been using the notebook Mashiro gave her, and drew pictures of the three of them spending the day together.

Episode 4

  • Ageha's very first action on-screen is to give Mashiro a hug - though she doesn't look before she leaps and gets Sora instead.
  • When Mashiro hesitates to take the Sky Pen due to feelings of inadequacy, Ageha encourages her by saying that her kindness is her own strength.

Episode 6

  • Sora decides, since she can't go to school, to spend half the time cleaning the house to thank Mashiro for everything she's done for her.
  • Sora discovers what the thing she's been missing since Mashiro went to school... Mashiro's presence in her life.
  • Ageha going out of her way to cheer Sora up. First she treats her to ice cream which works temporarily but then treats her to make-up to help build her confidence to talk to Mashiro (which is successful).
  • Sora manages to say enough of her Anguished Declaration of Love to make it all too clear what she was trying to say, even if Kabaton interrupted.

Episode 8

  • Despite her initial hostility at finding Tsubasa around Elle, Sora quickly warms to him upon hearing about his dream to fly, more than willing to support him despite knowing the limitations of his kind. She even likens it to her own pursuit in being a hero.
    Sora: "Never giving up after deciding to do something. That's a hero!"
    Tsubasa: You're not laughing?
    Sora: I'm not! Because I want to be a hero. And you want to fly. Though our paths are different, we're the same.
  • The way they both watch over Elle as she tries to stand on her own. They don't intervene until she almost falls over, at which point they both leap in to catch her together.

Episode 9

  • Tsubasa doing everything he can to come to Elle's rescue, despite his own powerlessness. Elle likewise returns the favour by refusing to leave him behind and save herself, even as he insists that he's weighing her flying cradle down.
  • The culmination with his first transformation, offering a Declaration of Protection to Elle to be her knight as Cure Wing.

Episode 12

  • Cure Sky saves Kabaton, despite being her enemy, because it's the right thing to do. This compassion moves Kabaton to quitting the empire and decides to make a fresh start on Earth. While it'll likely be the last time the Cures will cross paths with him, he's much happier with himself with his newfound freedom.

Episode 14

  • Sora's relationship with Captain Shalala has her practically a surrogate parent for her, with Shalala greeting her and letting her hug her when they reunite.
  • Sora came to the Skyland mainland to become part of the Azure Guard. As of this episode, she's an apprentice in the Guard, thanks to her actions on Earth in protecting Elle.

Episode 24

  • When the King and Queen explain they were told by the star that delivered Ellee they're just the caretakers of Ellee, not her permanent parents, Mashiro realizes her and Sora are Ellee's parents, with the Precure and Yoyo being Ellee's Found Family, then, now and potentially for a long time to come.

Episode 31

  • When Elle is left with a low-key Sadistic Choice, namely identifying which is her 'favourite Pretty Cure' right in front of her family, who are the Pretty Cure, she simply says she likes all of them, which satisfies her family and confuses the camerawoman immensely.
  • Just seeing Elle getting to cosplay as all four Cures, while stood next to the real ones.
  • Elle's awakening into Cure Majesty comes from a single and simple wish, the need to protect her family. And, even without them knowing it's her, she does not hesitate for a moment to step in to help them.

Episode 33

  • An ancient drawing shows Cure Majesty reaching for an ancient tome, indicating the way in which the Majestic Chroniclun is used. Elle touches the display for a moment, and it gains four more drawings, clearly of her family.
  • Mashiro spends the majority of the episode worried about Elle and how she's still only a couple of years old, before coming to realise that it doesn't matter, and she raised Elle to be able to stand on her own two feet when the time comes.
  • Elle, as Cure Majesty, once they've defeated Minoton, gives a simple 'I love you' to Mashiro, as she sums up what, as a baby, she hasn't been able to tell her mother since she officially adopted her, that she wouldn't choose anyone else to be her mother.

Episode 47

  • Elle's mysterious birth mother is revealed... as the Legendary Cure, Cure Noble, herself, having both prepared the Majestic Chroniclun and given Elle almost all her remaining power as she reached the end of her lifetime.
  • Ellelain's Christmas presents for Elle... The ability to grow to her more mature age without needing to transform, and both the finisher her mother used 300 years ago and the ability to create a shield against Undergu Energy.
  • The odd prophecy about Elle turns out to be a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy, caused by Sora and Mashiro going back in time with both Elle and the Chroniclun, since Ellelain both knew her daughter would have the most wonderful surrogate parents, since she met both her daughter and her parents, and got the idea of how to Fling a Light into the Future, from the fact Elle brought the book with her.

Episode 49

  • Darkhead has flooded Sora with Undergu Energy, turning her into a Dark Cure, and then possessed her, with the only other Cure who can save the Kaiserin being Mashiro. Mashiro just stands there, relying on the bond they have with each other to protect her. She's vindicated completely, with Darkhead losing his original form, Sora being purified once more and the Kaiserin saved... purely because Mashiro is the character who brings light to other people's lives.

Episode 50

  • After the final battle, we see the Empress remaking her Ellelain doll, demonstrating that she's reconciled with Cure Noble's memory; her first three generals are with her, having clearly forgiven the Empress for what she did under Skearhead's influence (even if Battamonda claims that it's just until a better opportunity presents itself, which the 'Tons comically stare him down over). Notice, too, how the Empire itself has visibly healed from Skearhead's expulsion, transformed into tranquil crystal caverns with water in place of the Undergu Energy that used to flow through it.

Alternative Title(s): Hirogaru Sky Pretty Cure
