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Heartwarming / Hello Internet

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  • Given Grey's usual emphasis on efficiency and utility, Brady seems genuinely surprised that Grey enjoyed growing up with dogs and would like to have a dog in the future. This prompts Grey's surprisingly gushy monologue in support of dogs:
    "You can just have things that you just like! Who doesn't like a dog?! Monsters don't like dogs. Right? It's just… Who can look into a dog's little doggy eyes and be like, 'Mm, thumbs down, don't approve of that at all.' No! Dogs look into your eyes, you look into their eyes, and it's like, 'Oh, I just feel happier now.' And the dog wags its little tail, and you give it a rub, and it's all happy…"
    • Just in general, talking about dogs seems to make Grey sound more human (and adorable):
      • [when asked what he missed about Brady while Grey was on vacation] "You know what I missed? I missed you sending me adorable doggy photos."
      • Brady: "I have appreciated your positive reinforcement when I send you the pictures and videos. You've been making all the right noises and saying 'Very cute. Very adorable.'" "Yeah, well I can't not."
      • Brady: I am a bit embarrassed, every time I talk to one of you guys on Skype … I'm always holding up the puppy all the time, in front of the webcam, and then I realize what a sad loser I am.
        Grey: But no, you shouldn't feel that way at all! When I called you just now, I was sad that she was in the crate! Because you couldn't hold her up to the screen! So, I demand more adorable puppiness! Don't feel bad about it at all!

Episode 37

  • As a surprise for Grey, Brady had a penguin at Bristol Zoo named after him.

Episode 39

  • Grey and Brady received an e-mail from a scientist who listened to the podcast while she was on maternity leave, to replace the stimulating conversation she would normally be getting at work. She had also listened to the previous episode in the delivery room: "You managed to make me laugh at a time when my husband was too stressed and tired to provide distraction. I recommend your podcast and video to all my friends, especially young parents at home who crave so much intelligent entertainment."
  • As part of his evidence that Grey is more interested in systems than in outcomes, Brady pointed out that Grey has never once asked him what he's working on, but very frequently asks him about his work process. Though Brady wasn't upset or offended about this, Grey actually felt pretty bad about it:
    "I feel a slight shame as a person, like… We've discussed sometimes, I'm not very good at interpersonal relations, but I realize…that's actually quite bad, that we've known each other for a long time, and never once have I been like, 'Hey, what are you working on?' So I'm laughing, but I'm also feeling horribly guilty, and realizing, 'Oh yeah, that's right — I am not a good friend sometimes.'"
    • "You are a good friend. You don't have to ask someone what they're working on in their work to be a good friend, and I would never suggest otherwise."
