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Heartwarming / Dogs in Space

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  • When the crew realizes that a missing dog captain could be on the planet, Stella orders them to keep eyes out for her.

Leave It

  • The fact that Chonies knows that Garbage is in danger because his captain would never miss one of his robot fights.
  • How loyal is Garbage's crew? Despite the whole M-Bark being put on lockdown, they mobilize to rescue him. Stella agrees to cover for them, while Ed in his first useful action since the heist goes to help her and Duchess track Kira. Loaf goes to his post to monitor the ship, calling for them loudly.
  • Atlas finds Chonies and Nomi going to rescue Garbage...because he's doing the same thing to save Happy. He suggests a truce and a means of narrowing down the location where they might be. Chonies needs little persuasion to call a truce.

Drop It

  • Ed put the alien tech room in a place where he knew Nomi could find it in an emergency. She arms up with glee.
  • Kira has both Garbage and Nomi on the ropes as Garbage tries to reason with her and Nomi brings the big guns. Then Chonies activates the makeshift transmitter from the lab and Olga's message plays. Immediately Kira falls to her knees, cries, and apologizes. Then she changes everyone back and surrenders when Duchess arrests her. Garbage was proven right.
  • Garbage argues for Kira to be discharged and sent back to Earth rather than exiled, put in obedience training, or given "trial by combat!" per Duchess's request.
  • Despite being scared of her after what she did, Loaf gives a parting gift to Kira before skittering away. She smiles at him in thanks.
  • Chonies reveals that he found a message from Chelsea that shows she misses Garbage. As he starts to stammer an apology that it's not perfect, Garbage tackles him in a hug and says, "Not now, Chonies." Cue a Group Hug from the team.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree

  • Kira made it home and reunited with Olga. She's also in regular contact with Chelsea, who frequently calls her to check if there's any word from Garbage.
  • When the Shrubdubs are about to destroy Earth, Garbage has a chance to talk to Chelsea one last time. Rather than warning her that Earth is doomed when she can't do anything about it, he tells her that he did his best to find a new planet and return to her as fast as possible, and they will be together soon. Their conversation is so touching, it convinces most of the Shrubdubs to call off the attack.
