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Heartwarming / A Noble Circle

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  • The stories told at the very end of the game, in the chapter ≈≈The Mirror≈≈.
    • -The Father- tells the story of a father trying to coax his crying newborn daughter to sleep at 3 AM. After an hour of trying to soothe her, he decides to hold her on his lap and make another attempt at The Axe Gang, one of the game's more difficult levels. And when he finally accomplishes it...
    He scuttles forward, and sees the intricate sketch of Jupiter. He takes a moment to appreciate the size of the Great Red Spot. He turns up the volume just slightly, to hear Rafael's new musical score.
    Something's changed.
    He looks down at his daughter.
    She's fallen asleep to the etheral sounds of outer space and violins.
    He sets the phone down, and lets the music fill the room.
    He doesn't want to be anywhere else right now.
