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Headscratchers / Waiting...

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  • If that bitch (the one that complained about her steak and gravy) thinks the restaurant's food is terrible, why did she come there for 5 times now? ("The last 4 times we've come here, the food was awful!")
    • Maybe she's coming back just to complain some more to the staff and kill their self-esteem again and again?
    • Or it's possible that she actually likes the food, she's just saying it sucks to be spiteful or that she hopes the staff can make it taste better.
    • Another alternative, she's trying to complain enough in order to guilt trip the waitstaff enough that they take her part of the meal off the check and doesn't have to pay her portion of the meal with her friends and/or coworkers.
    • Truth in Television; this troper has worked in customer service for more than two decades, and angry customers often exaggerate (or even flat out lie) to get their way.
