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Headscratchers / The Space Bar

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  • None of the flashback characters ever questions how Alias knows the information he's gleaned from their memories. The closest you get is Deven-7, who simply assumes that one of his employees has told you his code word when you actually found it out by living through his memories. Especially weird with Cilia: the only non- Emp Tel way Alias would have known her contact's name would have been for him to be involved with the Trisecks/Akro Mati war somehow. Considering this is supposed to be a seedy bar full of suspicious folks, everyone seems to just accept that what he says is true surprisingly easily.
  • In Fleebix's flashback, after arriving at the Glom Hole, Fleebix and Thud are attacked by a biplane, shortly before it crashes into a fuel truck. Why the plane attacked them, missed them entirely and then managed to crash spectacularly in what is essentially an open desert remains unexplained.
  • The Kur'Pupu are said to be intensely secretive and elusive (to the point no one knows how they look), yet Cilia mentions that they are "tight" with the Akro Mati. How did that alliance occur, then, and does it mean that Ni'Dopal is somehow involved in the Trisecks/Akro Mati war?
  • The Akro Mati control U'Bleek (somewhat confusingly, since other company-owned planets are directly governed by the respective company) and are further savy enough to maintain an extensive security apparatus and off-world PR operation, yet they are depicted as bumbling, sloppy and stupid in Cilia's flashback. Among other things, they don't pursue an uncontrolled barge with a rowboat conspicuously tugging along, shoot first and ask questions later and don't bother checking the shipping containers. Even with numerous guard towers and police boats (seemingly guarding nothing), Cilia and her bumbling companions are easily able to escape off-world.
  • Near the end of Cilia's flashback, the player has to choose one of three shipping containers, two of which being destined for a different planet. Since Cilia ends up on Armpit VI, the container headed there is the obvious choice. It's however never explained why Cilia choose Armpit VI and it seems nonsensical. Her goal is to deliver evidence of the Akro Mati's oppressiveness to an Helios Agricorp executive, but Armpit VI is owned by Amalgamated Vacuum, so she's definitively not finding him there.
  • If Bettaker hates Chiphandler so much, why is he working at the same place, right across from him? Is he plotting revenge? Or are they required to stay together as the terms of their exile?
  • Ni'Dopal (disguised as one of the stationary Napthaleens for most of the game) tries to kill Alias with a poison dart after identifying him eventually. Ni'Dopal's darts are apparently able to break the laws of physics, as they are able to hit Alias even through multiple walls, as hiding in one of the toilets or even outside the bar still sees Alias getting picked off.
