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Headscratchers / The Secret World of Alex Mack

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  • When Alex turns into a puddle of mercury why don't the fumes she would emit poison all the people around her?
    • Because it's not a puddle of mercury. It might look like mercury, but it's just some kind of shiny, metallic liquid.
  • So Alex is sure if she is caught the chemical plant will do experiments on her and apparently the cops and other law enforcement wont do anything to stop them. Why? Just because she gained special powers doesn't mean she forfeits all her human rights and legal protections. Is this just a case of Fiction Isn't Fair or what?
    • Danielle Atron's company pretty much owns the town that already does secret and dubiously ethical projects. Between Danielle and Vince's ruthlessness, it's possible they could find a way to make Alex disappear and discredit anyone who speaks up against them. In the episode that showed what life would be without Alex, they had successfully held Barbara Mack captive for over a year while all her husband and remaining daughter know is that she just disappeared one day.
    • In the finale Danielle Atron clearly has no qualms about murdering Alex and it is implied she murdered Hunter's father. Alex's fears are thus justified. Also if Alex told her parents right away and contacted local authorities, then there would be no story.
