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Headscratchers / Steven Universe: Alternate Future

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  • Why were none of the gems of Little Homeworld suspicious of the two monochrome gems that suddenly showed up? You would think they would have learned their lesson after their encounter with Bluebird.

  • Black Rutile states that the reason why she and her lackey sound different is that they are monochromatic. However, the series also introduces more monochromatic gems that share the same voice actors with their colorful counterparts. Are all monochromes unique sounding voices, or is it just some of them?

  • Whatever happened to the Bismuths and the Peridots that were forcefully recruited to Black Rutile's cause?
    • White Topaz who later state they returned to their normal lives or enrolled in Little Homeschool.

  • The Lighthouse Gem was originally going to be a White Topaz, but this was scrapped. A White Topaz appears in this series, and yet this Lighthouse gem is never mentioned. Plus, her powers of telekinesis and possession imply that she isn't even a Topaz.

  • Black Rutile's first attempt to kill Steven had a very high chance of failing even if Connie didn't save Steven. Doesn't she realize Steven could just create a protective bubble around himself that would shield him from the impact of both the fall and the boulder?

  • If Turquoise has four arms, then why was she grasping a sword in her mouth? And while it is a reference to One Piece, it still makes little to no sense in universe.

  • Black Rutile returned to her cave lair to make an important call, who was that call for? Was it for Cinnabar, or for someone else?

  • Eyeball remained by Black Rutile's side throughout the story. So why wasn't she with her fellow Lucent Gems in the epilogue?

  • How was the Officer able to predict the events of Fragments, I Am My Monster, and Love Like You? And how come nobody caught on to this?

  • How many sapient aliens are there? Do the Crystal Gems know of their existence?

  • Whatever happened to the remains of Zoisite/Anyolite's former team?

  • As a being who literally has time on their side. It shouldn't be a surprise that Xenotime can do things that are quite confusing. Why didn't she simply rewind time to prevent herself from being caught, or use it to learn from her mistakes and effectively defeat her foes?

  • Why do the Universal Lords even exist?

  • The Metals claim to have learned of the potential creator(s)of them and the Gems by examining some ancient, yet technologically advanced ruins and discovered they were created to carry out their legacy and complete an important mission. What was that mission?

  • The Rejuvenation Ray that Cinnabar received was said to reset a gem and make it so that their memories could not be restored. However, despite this claim, the Pearls were able to get their memories back as if they were hit by a regular rejuvenator by being reminded of the things from the past.

  • Is Nacre a gem or a computer? And since gems are basically robots, doesn't that mean her gem would still be stuck in the reef?

  • Why didn't Batsputin or the other aliens try to stop Captain Boa from capturing Sylvia? Sure, he had a bigger ship which was basically designed as a slave cargo ship, but they still outnumbered him ten to one.

  • What ever happened to the Concretes after Cinnabar was defeated?

  • How were the Slytherophidans able to capture the gems so easily, even though many of them are experienced fighters with powerful abilities?
