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Headscratchers / Star Trek: The Next Generation S1 E2 "The Naked Now"

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  • A serious disease that nearly caused the destruction of Kirk's Enterprise, and Dr. Crusher can't find information about it in her medical database, but instead Riker had to find in Kirk's logs? It is to imply that Dr. McCoy couldn't be bothered to record the incident in his records nor pass on the information to Starfleet Medical, a preposterous idea for a doctor of McCoy's caliber.
    • I don't think it's meant as a slight against McCoy. There's no explanation given, but there are many possibilities. It's been 80 years or so and the original incident may have been the only other one, meaning it's an incredibly rare disease and may have been considered a freak occurrence. Dr Crusher's medical computer is going to suggest the most common diseases/etc first, and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of space craziness in Kirk's or Picard's times. Besides, it's not like Crusher was stumped for days before finding the cause. It looks like Riker/Data figured it out in an hour or two.

  • Why does the away team not wear any kind of environment suit? Not only did they wear suits in the TOS original, in this case they know someone or something is venting compartments to space but they don't know who or what. I guess that spirals quickly into a question of why they beamed over there at all until they had more information.
    • For the "venting compartments to space" concern, at least, they can easily scan the ship and tell which areas still have air.
