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Headscratchers / Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 06 E 07 You Are Cordially Invited

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  • Odo needs to return to his liquid state every 16 hours. How did he spend all night talking to Kira without realizing it? Wouldn't he have needed to regenerate? When he leaves, he even implies that he's going to immediately start a new shift.
    • Maybe he was at the beginning of his 16 hours period when he barged in on the party. That leaves him enough time to spend the night taking with Kira and go on a full shift afterwards.
      • That would mean that Odo's standard schedule is to regenerate immediately after his shift ends. It seems unlikely that married-to-the-job Odo would arrange his schedule so that he is physically unable to stay late when something comes up over the course of his shift. Instead, you'd think he would go to work the moment he returns to solid form so that he can maximize the time he has available to devote to any unexpected job duties.
