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Headscratchers / Shark Night

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  • Kind of a stupid meta thing, but why are the sharks attacking during the day in a movie called Shark Night? Get it right, goddammit.
    • Because Shark Day isn't a very good title.
    • That and at least 5 of the deaths in the film take place during the night.

  • HOW ARE THESE SHARKS STILL ALIVE? Of the species-Bull, Great White, Hammerhead, Sand Tiger, Cookie Cutter are the five I could find-only the Bulls can actually SURVIVE in fresh or even brackish water. Was the lake linked to the ocean? By all rights, the cells of these sharks should have literally exploded upon immersion in the fresh water.
    • I believe the film explained that it was a saltwater lake of some sort.
      • Correct. They made a specific point of mentioning this.
