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Headscratchers / Overdrawn at the Memory Bank

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    Saving "Saving Private Ryan" 
So, if "cinemas" are banned, why on God's Green Acres would the Evil Fat Chairman keep them in storage on his servers? Sure, he thought they were secure (although no online electronic storage system truly is even these days), but that's not the point; the point is that no one was supposedly using them, no one was SUPPOSED TO BE using them, so what's the point of keeping them? Why not just delete the video files altogether?

  • The implication is the only the upper echelon are allowed to watch movies, while the average person can't. The main problem with the film is it takes a "tell, don't show" approach to storytelling, but it doesn't even "tell" very well.
  • I just want to know where the hell Fingal got the Humphrey Bogart poster on his wall in the real world if nobody is supposed to know what Casablanca is.

    Possession Is Nine Tenths Of Doppling 
When a person dopples into another body, who exactly is in control of the body, the doppler or the original mind? The film seems to imply both at different times:

  1. When, as Daisy the baboon, Fingal is trying to do cartwheels, he is clearly in control of the body, as he "can't get the hang of it."
  2. Yet later, when Daisy is getting drunk on overripe fruit, Fingal implores her to stop moving because it's making him sick.

Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle? Or did the writers just not really think it through?

  • In the original short story, it's explained that the doppelled animal has Fingal's awareness, but that he's still at the whim of the animal's instincts. So, he may be able to influence the decisions "Daisy" makes, but he's essentially a passenger in a bus (which is even worse when the "bus driver" gets drunk).

    Why Didn't the Chairman Ask This in Advance and Why Was He So Quick to Interfere? 
A couple things that have bugged me. First, the Chairman interrupts Appolonia explaining to Fingal what's going on because she might "blurt out sensitive information." Why didn't he just go over what she should and shouldn't tell Fingal before she connected with him? The second is later, after Fingal has a completely justified outburst of how Novicorp screwed up (which they did), the Chairman projects himself into Fingal's simulation to be a threat to Fingal and Appolonia. At that point, Fingal hadn't done anything.
  • Fat Chairman is probably being singularly paranoid here, and frankly you can't blame him. Remember that as soon as Fingal's body was lost, Appolonia's workmate leaked word of it to the press/a rival megacorp. Thing is, they know there was a leak but not WHO leaked the leak, so the Chairman isn't exactly trusting Appolonia (or much of anyone) right now.
