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Headscratchers / Grease 2

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  • The Calendar Girls have a dozen girls singing, along with three male helpers (Di Mucci, Davey, Eugene), a piano player, and Dolores assisting as well. They have also obviously spent a crap ton of money on the costumes and sets. Is the prize really worth all that expense and trouble considering they're going to be getting probably a max of eight records a piece?
    • It shows the obsessiveness and competitiveness of the Pink Ladies. It is also to prove that they can win something that they are not extracurricular participants in, like the twins.

  • How did these people become T Birds and Pink Ladies? They would have been freshmen in the original Grease film from 1978. This film starts in 1961. The first film starts in 1958. Were these groups revamps or did the original T Birds and Pink Ladies say that these new T Birds and Pink Ladies could use their clothing and organization name? The new Pink Ladies recognize Frenchy so there may have been an occasion where the new Pink Ladies met the old Pink Ladies. Also the new Pink Ladies are prettier than the old Pink Ladies. Also, there is the sister of Paulette who wants to be a Pink Lady when she is in high school. Therefore, the Pink Ladies from the first Grease film may have been the original incarnation. Those Pink Ladies were a reaction to possible successive generations of T Birds. Based on the fact that the film "The Wild One" came out in 1953, then there must have been greasers before then. If the Grease Films are set in California, then it may have taken them longer than the East Coast to adopt the greaser subculture. Also, there are less Italians in California than in the Northeast. There are some non-Italian looking greasers which may mean that they needed to wait longer in order to adopt the subculture because they did not have the usual prerequisites to be greasers.
    • Likely what happens is at the end of the school year, the graduating T-Birds/Pink Ladies select juniors to be the new T-Birds/Pink Ladies. The ones we saw in the original film passed it on to the graduating class of 1960, who in turn passed in on the the graduating class of 1961 (the second film.)

  • Sharon states that they're 'T-Bird chicks until grad'. Sharon and Louis were a couple. Goose and Rhonda were a couple. Johnny and Stephanie had been a couple. That leaves Davey and Paulette. Were they a couple that broke up? They didn't seem to have any attachment to each other at all, nor did Davey seem to care that Johnny and Paulette were ogling each other. If Davey and Paulette were never a couple, but these Pink Ladies have to be someone's 'chick', then how was Paulette allowed to be a member of the group when Stephanie was being threatened with being tossed out for no longer dating one of the T-Birds?
