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Headscratchers / Dark Nights: Metal

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  • So the Dark Multiverse is where all the bad worlds born from the fears and nightmares of the normal multiverse are born and died. So why aren't Earths 3, 10, 40, or 50 down there instead of being part of the 52 universes?
    • The entire premise of Dark Multiverse worlds runs on the fact that they are unstable and eventually crumble into nothingness, usually after or during a cataclysmic event that occurs. They also tend to lean towards the worst possible outcome for the denizens of those worlds to the point that there is no hope that they can be saved in the long term. By contrast, the aforementioned Earths are still stable. The Crime Syndicate, New Reichsmen, Society of Super-Villains, and Justice Lords are also less representative of the fears of mainstream characters than they are general products of their worlds' differences from other universes.
