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Headscratchers / Central Intelligence

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  • Trevor is very unlike someone who joined Scientology after high school: more likely he would have acted super-friendly and sincere, revealing how joining Scientology made him into a better person who wants to help humanity, up until someone (probably Bob the government agent since Scientologists consider their tax-exempt status on par with winning a war with the IRS) said something that criticized his religion and then he'd revert to his old personality and start mocking them.
    • On the other hand he could be joking, assuming Calvin and/or Bob were known to be religious (more likely Calvin as part of his "golden boy" image in high school) but most people aren't familiar with the term "Clear" note . Possibly he saw the documentary Going Clear and tacked that on to his nasty little joke.
  • The CIA was fooled into thinking Phil was blown up? They never tested the blood to see if it was a match for Phil's? Or questioned the fact that there was no body at all, just ludicrous gibs and no evidence of, say, a skeletal structure? That was a lot of blood, sure, but not enough to stand in for the mass of a fully grown adult.
    • Or for that matter, whose ear they found, as Phil definitely had both of his. You could partially explain the blood as it being his own blood, drawn over a long period, but the total liquidation, lack of other fluids, bone or tissue in general is definitely strange.
