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Headscratchers / Are You Scared of These Stories?

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  • Hibbs' entire family was killed by his brother... but he makes references to his mom being alive—she's even interviewed for the bear documentary... but he's still uncomfortable with Owens trying to (re)tell the story of his family's murders during the clip show...
  • How much is reset every time the boys die? How far back does it go? It seems to still work even when they're not at the campfire (Jenkins' "fire pit")— in fact, a ton of their deaths take place away from any fire. Is it due to extended exposure to the fire, rather than proximity to it during a death? Do the fire's abilities stem from the fire itself, or is it imbued with them by the person who starts the fire?
  • What happens when there are surviving boys? Obviously the dead ones are reset, but what does that mean for the living ones? Are they more likely to remember events if they survived until the reset? Are other characters affected by it?
