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Headscratchers / Andor

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    Ship on Kenari 

  • The ship that landed on Cassian's homeworld was Republic, not Empire. So why did they immediately start shooting when they encountered locals?
    • The Republic officer woke up injured and saw an armed local messing with his friend's corpse. He likely panicked and lashed out. As for the Republic's apparent ruthlessness, while it was never as fascist as the Empire, the Republic was still deeply flawed and they may not have reacted well to their officer being killed by the locals.
    • Also note that while Maarva says it's a Republic officer, they're all clearly wearing Separatist shoulder patches, as well as transporting some sort of poison gas. Which raises the question of who exactly they were and what they were doing. Remember, Maarva's information may not be perfect either.
    • Currently, Wookieepedia places the flashbacks in 24 BBY at the latest, explicitly before the Separatists were founded, but it's also plausible that the Separatist symbol was in use for some other anti-Republic factions before they formally united together. So the Andors were likley not only unaware of the faction, but may also not have looked at them that closely before they got inside, saw a kid in there all alone, and panicked.
    • The Empire didn't magically replace the Republic, it grew out of it. The people who make up the Empire and the people who make up the Republic are by and large the exact same people. If the Republic weren't already full of people who would open fire on people for little-to-no reason it would never have turned into the Empire.
    • The planet was already being strip-mined and Kassa, now nine, has been resisting invaders since he was six (as he told Jyn). The locals have been a menace to the mining operation for years now and the survivor, probably a member of a corporate group or mining clan or whatever (hence the logo similar to the Separatists) saw and enemy after his ship crashed and immediately opened fire.

    The arranged marriage 
  • Wasn't the whole point of the arrange marriage to cover up Mon's large transfers? But her tricking her driver into thinking that the transfers are over her husband's gambling did that for her? So, why is she still going through with it? Or did I miss something?
    • Because she still needs to have some kind of system with high level of opacity to move her money around to keep funding the rebellion going forward. And that ruthless business man / crime lord has one.
    • Mon Mothma has no way of knowing if The Empire is buying that line about gambling, she can't rely on just one lie panning out. She needs layers of protection.
    • Mon actually had *two* issues to solve regarding money, not just one. First, she needed to cover for the money she already transferred to the Rebellion before an impending Imperial audit - this is why she lies about her husband's gambling. Second, she has to bypass the regulations preventing her from accessing her family funds - this is where she needs Davo's help to move the money around. Two separate problems, two separate solutions.

    The Prison Colonies on Narkina 5 
  • Why wouldn't they release the prisoners when their time was up? Why re-sentence them to increasingly longer convictions? The galaxy is huge and with the "new guidelines" that effectively increased Cassian's sentence by a factor of 12 there should be a steady flow of petty criminals with a couple of years to toil away.
    • Evil Is Petty is a foundation of the Empire and so is its short sightedness. It's also possible that these prisoners working on the Death Star mean that He Knows Too Much and they will be eliminated once the superweapon is completed along with who knows how many others.
    • My question is why they think this sort of system is sustainable. Even the prisoners that are transferred to other prisons are going to complain about not being released. Are the other prisoners just not going to believe them, especially as this happens multiple times? The secret that nobody gets released should have been out a long time ago.
    • Maybe they simply didn't think it through and it was the orders of some higher-up who was mainly concerned about increasing the rate of production under sudden pressure to finalize building the Death Star (when it became clear resistance is brewing), without regard to the prisoners' morale? When the scheme predictably backfired, the prison's managers panicked and killed an entire floor. Just another example of the Empire solving every problem with brute force without accounting for human psychology beyond fear of violence.
      • ... which is a headscratcher only until you remember who exactly is #1 and #2 in this Empire. In fact, the Empire seems incredibly petty until you remember that there's a predator at the very, very top who is growing more powerful by feeding off the fear and hatred of people. As another example, Palpatine building the Death Star seems incredibly short-sighted. I mean, one battlestation compared to the thousands of planets out there? There's no way it ever works. But if Palpatine is feeding off of the fear that it generates... the Death Star is perfect for that purpose. You spend the rest of your life dreaming of whether the Death Star is going to show up over your planet and blow you up. And you have a symbol, one thing to focus on. It's not this nebulous Empire, but rather one war machine, the Death Star. That fear, in turn, fuels the dark side, and Palpatine gets a little hit of his dark side addiction.
    • The 'released' prisoners are only supposed to go to prisoner blocks made up of each other, so the secret stays contained. It may also be a recent change in practice following the passing of PORD, which made effectively indefinite sentences legal. Regardless, there was a screwup and a prisoner was released back to his floor, which is what triggered the full fry before they could share the news with anyone else.

    No one does a background check in the Empire? 
  • Andor gets arrested for supposed anti-Imperial activity when he's using fake ID. No one apparently checks, which means they don't know that he's wanted for murder and participating in genuine anti-Imperial activity with the heist on Aldhani. This could be chalked up to the Imperials just not caring since they only want prisoners for forced labor and have long backlogs regarding some checks (as seen with Luthen's ship) but it seems like a pretty big oversight. Fascist, but Inefficient might be stretching it as the explanation here.
    • Andor was from a backwater planet and had enough money to pay for a good fake identity. If anything though, the Imperials were probably more concerned with wiping the data of anyone sent to the prison camps to make sure no one asked questions of where they went and didn't check the validity of the data they wiped.
