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Funny / The Chronicles Of Vocaloid Randomness

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The Chronicles of Vocaloid Randomness

Episode 1 - Food

Episode 2 - School

Episode 3 - Holidays

Episode 4 - Jobs

  • Miku is shown sitting at a desk surrounded by "Help Wanted" signs. But to the surprise of everyone who tries to apply for a job with her, she keeps saying that there are no jobs open at the moment and indeed, there may not be at all in the foreseeable future. This causes most of them to either walk off confused or storm out in annoyance. Miku's response?
    Miku: Oh my, how strange! I didn't think so many people would want to work at the Help Wanted Sign Factory!
  • The Parody Commercial for the "Odd Jobs Emporium".
    Kaito: But isn't that just a table and some magically floating text?
    Narrator: A ha ha! No you silly imbecile!

Episode 5 - Summer

Episode 6 - Books

  • Luka's novel "Tuna: The Full Story Uncanned". It has everything you could ever want from a book! Action! Adventure! Romance! 👎♋♐♋❑✍!note  And best of all: EXPLOSIONS!
    Miku: The story was engaging, the characters relatable, and best of all, there was a definite conflict!
    Kaito: It turned me away from detectives, hunchbacks and catchers in ryes! It brought me to a world of real literature!
    Rin: It's a story that can be enjoyed by all!
    Len: Even weirdos like us!
    Meiko: ...It just says "tuna". That's it.
    Random bearded guy: IT'S GOOOOOD!
  • Rin and Len can't conduct their experiments because 1. all the enslaved gerbils they keep spontaneously combusted and 2. it's raining. Meiko suggests that they make a book fort and they create a beautiful one called "Bookhenge". Meiko marvels over how beautiful it is...right before the twins destroy it.

The New Chronicles of Vocaloid Randomness

Episode 1 - New

  • Luka meeting Timmy the Talking Tuna. In particular, this:
    Timmy: My name is Timmy, the Talking Tuna! And I can't find my mom! Have you seen her, pink-haired lady?
    Luka: Hm...let me think...
    Flashback!Luka: (next to a tuna can) Mmm, mmm mmm! Golden talking tuna! My favorite!
    Luka: I have never once in my life seen your mother.

Episode 2 - Crafts
