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Funny / Madrox

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  • Issue #1:
    • Jamie wakes up after falling unconscious due to absorbing a dying duplicte.
    Jamie: How long was I out?
    • The fact that Jamie named his new detective agency "XXX Investigation". When Rahne points out it sounds like he investigates porn, Jamie responds, "I can live with that".

  • Issue #2: This exchange from Issue #2 between Carol Campbell and a Jamie dupe:
    Carol Campbell: Mr. Madrox, I believe my husband, Ned, is cheating on me.
    Jamie duplicate: With another woman?
    Jamie duplicate: Guess I walked into that one.
    Guido: Guess you did, Holmes.
    • Issue #4 reveals that Ned is actually having an affair with a man, so Jamie's question seems less stupid in hindsight.

  • Issue #3:
    • While fighting Clay in an apartment building, Guido attracts the ire of next door neighbors who complain about the noise. When Guido tells them to shut up, one of them blasts him out of the building and says, "This is Mutant Town. We don't shut up here".
    • This exchange between Guido and Clay:
    Guido: Name's Guido. Guido Carosella. Folks hereabouts though... they call me "Strong Guy". Guess why.
    Clay: Your deodorant doesn't hold up? Just a thought.
