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Funny / Happy Halloween, Scooby-Doo!

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  • When Velma unmasks the Haunted Scarecrow (jack-o'-lantern head) to reveal the Scarecrow underneath (burlap mask), Elvira asks him if he's sweaty in there.
  • Elvira greets the Mystery Incorporated group (sans Shag and Scoob) by calling "Hey, nerds." She's amused when they all turn to look at her.
  • Bill Nye can be overheard discussing the Fridge Logic of Aquaman with a trick-or-treater, made even funnier when you remember that they're dealing with a member of Batman's Rogues Gallery. As in, the same Batman who works with Aquaman regularly.
    • Also, the fact that Nye apparently runs on and on and on about said Fridge Logic, to the point where the trick-or-treaters' parents practically plead with him to stop and let them haul their kids home for bedtime.
  • Mike doesn't react well to Shaggy offering him a Scooby Snack.
    • When the Scooby Snack appears to enhance Shaggy and Scooby, leading them to riding a pair of Jackal Lanterns through the air to the armored truck, we are treated to a reaction shot from Mike and Michelle. The little girl is looking at the pair with happy wonder. Her dad is literally drooling from one side of his mouth as he repeats his justification of the whole thing being a weird food dream.
  • Velma tells Scarecrow that she doesn't believe he was attacking Elvira, because he doesn't seem to be a crazed fan. He points out that he's quite mad, and he wrote Elvira a fan letter, so he is both crazed and a fan (he also says Velma is correct that he had no intention of attacking Elvira).
  • Scarecrow being completely unfazed by a buzzsaw cutting the prison van even as it's barely close to cutting him. Makes sense, after all, he's from Gotham City; where stuff like this is a normal Tuesday (just minus the mutant pumpkins...probably).
    • The Joker lives in Gotham - the mutant pumpkins is definitely the norm.
  • The Scarecrow tells Elvira that he's a big fan of her work. She replies that with an outfit like his, he'd better be.
  • This exchange:
    Velma: Shaggy, I could kiss you!
    Scooby: Awww!
    Shaggy: Wow. That escalated quickly.
  • Daphne's attempting to pull a variation of Kill and Replace (non lethal) on Elvira...and has apparently done this before with Phyllis Diller, whom the gang solved three cases with before catching wise.
    • Daphne's expression when Velma calls her out has to be seen to be believed.
  • When Elvira agrees to let Daphne borrow her wig to complete the look, she takes it off revealing that she's bald underneath...and that her 'wig' is actually a live macaque that needs to be fed every few hours to keep it docile. And yet, Daphne is fine with this so long as she now completely looks like Elvira.
